I am really looking all the patriotic holidays coming up. Memorial Day is a huge celebration in our town- a parade, fireworks and lots of fun pool parties thanks to the amazing southern California weather. I am just so thankful to live in this incredible country.
So, I just had to pull out my fun party popcorn recipe and whip up something for these events coming up. Patriotic Popcorn is just the thing- colorful, yummy and easy to make. This is a simple variation on Bunny Bait and Leprechaun Lunch and uses the same directions found here except I added red nonpariels, star confetti and red m&m’s.
I would LOVE all the tags please, like you on FB, follow you on pinterest and subscribe to your blog : )
Also may I ask where you order/get yout supplies from (confetti, nonpirels etc)? Thank you
I love all your tags! Please send me the Patriotic Popcorn tags. I am thinking of using them for favors at a citizenship party.
SO cute! I would LOVE the printables! thecreativeprincess@gmail.com
Would love the cute tags for summer… Have a ball. Thanks so much!
would love this… greatflowerlady@gmail.com
Would love the printable! It is perfect for our Citizenship Day celebration.
You are always so creative, I love it! Please send me the tag, thank you! I am going to try a version similar to your “bunny bait” with pretzels in it
I love the idea! This is perfect for sharing with my husband’s fellow teachers at school.
I love the tags, please send them thank you! Katie
May I please have the tags and can you please send me the ones for the school tags..like hope your summer rocks. I asked for those and never got them. Hharper90@gmail.com
I would love the tags. Please send to sdbonner57@gmail.com.
Love it. Great snack for fireworks. Please send me the tags. mcmurps@verizon.net
You are so talented! Thanks for sharing with those of us who are not as creative.
Yum! I’ll need to make a big batch for me and my neighbors!
So kind of you to share the tags. Delightful idea! I’m following your blog, pintrest and facebook.
PS- me again! Where do you get the cute clear buckets?
Hi!!! I am a follower of your blog, pinterest & fb. I would love to have these cute tags!!! Thanks!
Love this!!! I’d love the tags for this!! chericastellanos@yahoo.com
The BunnyBait was a HUGE hit at Easter!!! Some of my partner intervention teachers that were parttime..that was their last week and I made some for each of them as a going away treat.
I do have one question tho…WHERE do you get your red MnM’s??? I know of 3 stores here that sell them by color but they are $10-$12 PER POUND!!! Yikes. Thanks:)
I follow you on FB, Pinterst and here, I love your popcorn ideas! Thank you for offering to send the tags!
What a cute idea! I would love to have the tags. Thank you so much.
Hi – I would love to have the tags for our community 4th of July fireworks get-together. The Patriotic popcorn mix will be perfect! Thanks for sharing. I follow you thru e-mail.
Kate @
Oh my….so cute! Would love the printables. shereeleone@gmail.com.
These are super cute! I can’t wait to use these over the 4th! katemfitz@gmail.com
I’m a follower, and I adore your ideas! Thanks for sharing all of your creativity.
Love your pix, recipe, tags and everything about this. Can’t wait to make some…I am thinking about doing it for a party at the end of May
All my friends look forward to the sweet little gifts ! Would love to continue the traditions with the tagss for the Patriotic Popcorn and the Beach Theme.
Thanks for another great treat… students and staff at my school love these little celebrations, I’ll love adding these tags to my collection. thanks!
The patriotic popcorn tags are so festive. (Ihave 2 B.Days in July). I like you on F.B & subscribe to your blog. Please email P. popcorn tags. joann.graybeal@gmail.com
Love the tags! Please send. Thanks!!
Great idea for the upcoming holidays! Thanks I would love the tags
Thanks for the ideas! I’d love to have the tags!
You have such fun ideas! I follow your blog, like you on FB and follow you on Pinterest. I would love to get the tags. Thank you! Brendasedlacek@cox.net
Will you send me the printable
love it! Cant wait to use these! ellaj928@live.com
I would love to have your printables. Thank you!
I love your popcorn recipe and the twist and turns you take with it. I would love the tags! They’re so cute.
I would love these tags. I too am a Patriotic Holiday fanatic. Love, love, love these hoilidays. Where do you get your star confetti? I have never seen any around.
I love this idea! You have such fun ideas. I follow you on Facebook and Pinterest. I also follow you via email.
I would love to have the tags. Thanks for the freebie.
I would love the tag please! katiewaugh11@hotmail.com
I love all your tags! Could you please email them to me at jsavinelli@hotmail.com Thanks again.
I would love your Patriotic tags. You have such great ideas.
As always so clever. Love to celebrate the holidays with these adorable tags.
I Love these! Thanks so much for sharing!
Would love to have the tags. I really love looking at your page. It gives me great ideas.
Hi Jenny! Could you please send tag to dawnsimon@cox.net
Oh my gosh, too cute! The bunny bait was a huge hit in my daughter’s preschool class. Please send me the tags for this. I can’t wait! Thank you so much!!!
Hi JennY;
I would love these tags!
Thank you,
I would LOVE these tags! THANKS!! My email is flourgirl2010@gmail.com
I would love the tags, thank you!!
I “like” Bloom Designs on Facebook, and just subscribed for e-mails and started following you on Pinterest. I would love to receive the cards :} My e-mail is cameron.stimson@gmail.com Thanks so much!!!
Very Cute! Please send to
I’m a follower and will “like” Bloom on Facebook. Please send tags…I love them!
I’m a follower! These are so stink in cute! Thanks for sharing! jasocarras@gmail.com
I would love these tags.. I follow you on fb, pinterest and bloom.
I loved the bunny bait and now can’t wait to make this. Thanks so much! scottalyssa@hotmail.com
I like you on fb, follow you on Pinterest and love these patriotic tags! Please send to me at barbara.birk@hotmail.com, thanks so much!
Please send this to me. I follow you on all of the different places, your blog, facebook and pinterest! Thanks a million. Your so talented! scraphappynicole@aol.com
I would love the tags. They’re so cute! Thanks for sharing. emilylindale@gmail.com
I love all your tags! Please send me the Patriotic Popcorn tags. Thanks leannmerta@gmail.co,
I’d love a copy of the tag, please! Great recipe — darling idea!!
I love ur idea! Please please send me the tags for ur patriotic popcorn!!! Thank you. Crystal_Rivera@Verizon.net
Done! done! and done!
Love this! Please send tags! Thanks!
This is so creative! And who doesn’t love popcorn with M&Ms? I would love for you to link it up to my What I Learned Wednesday Link Party going on right now! I know my readers would love it too. http://weliketolearnaswego.blogspot.com/2012/05/what-i-learned-wednesday-10.html
Thanks for the great ideas. I subscribed, liked and followed on Pinterest…I would love the tags. Catherine.bernard3@gmail.com
Love ur ideas! Please send tags to
thank you so much!
I love your Patriotic tags! Please send them to me at wbbtbirk@juno.com Thanks so much!
I’m a follower!! Love this. lizw.hiswaco@gmail.com
What cool ideas! would love the printable. lmiller527@twcny.rr.com
Forgot to leave my email on earlier comment! Please send tags to susielamkin@yahoo.com. Thanks!
seriously UBER cute and yummy!
Oh and I’d love you to send me the tags. I’m a follower
Adorable! Would liove to receive your tags & also know where you purchased the clear “paint cans”. Thanks so much!
Your popcorn is so festive and I’m sure it’s very yummy! I love all the patriotic packaging you’ve done too! So fun!!!
Thank you so much…I am totally inspired!!! I am now officially a follower of your blog & Pinterest and like Bloom Designs on Facebook!!!
I follow you on Facebook and now by e-mail. Could you please send me the tags? How cute! And thanks for sharing!!!!
I am following you now on Facebook and have subscribed to your blog.
Can you please send the link to your tags :o)?
I LOVE all things patriotic! This is so cute. Please send me a printable!! My email is keeley.johnson08@yahoo.com Thanks for the super cute, super fun idea!
I would love you forth of july tags! They are super cute. Thank you will enjoy them this summer! lwalks14@yahoo.com
Beautiful! I love your ideas. I am now a follower.
I would appreciate receiving the tags. My email is:
Thank you so much!
I really like what I see of your blog. Keep up the neat work. Allot of people benefit from it:) <3
I would love to have some of your 4th of July Tags. I know just who I’ll give them to
We have a good old fashion parade on our small street each year with a grand Marshall, kids on bikes and in wagons, everyone dressed in their red, white and blue. Everyone brings their favorite BBQ food, we fix hot dogs, etc. This will be a great addition and the kids (and adults) will love it. Please send me the printables. Thank you for not making us go to facebook, not my thing.
Thanks, Kris
I am now a follower of your blog & would love this patriotic printable. Thanks!
Just found your blog and I am now a follower. Have liked you on Facebook & would love this patriotic printable. Thanks!
So cute! I am now a follower and am going back through your previous posts! Please send the tags to wrightg@comast.net. Thanks.
Please email me the tags Love your site!
super cute tag design. I would love to use them. thank you so much.
Love the design and idea. Thanks for sharing. Would love the tag. My email is chewple@yahoo.com
Great idea! Yes! I would love the tag. Thank you for sharing.
Thanks again!
Love your Patriotic Popcorn post. Would love to have the printable tag for our Memorial Day and 4th celebrations. Thanks in advance.
What a great idea works for adults and kids who can pass up chocolate covered popcorn and M&Ms. I would love to have a copy of the labels also. Ive followed your blog and cant wait to see what ideas you have next. Thanks for sharing Mindy1qc@msn.com
LOVE your tags! Would love if you could send them to me. Thanks in advance!
Love your blog! Please send me your tags to rsgarcia05@comcast.net Thank you for sharing
i wouldn’t miss a blog post! i already subscribe and follow you on FB. i would love to have your printables to go with that yummy popcorn! thank you so much. zillah220@yahoo.com
ps. did you post about cinnamon bears and chocolate about a month ago?
This comment has been removed by the author.
I would love the tags for this! It’s so cute! karen4381@gmail.com
Too cute!! Would love the tags! (coleybelle at gmail dot com)
Would LOVE the tags…this is perfect for a crop I am planning!!! jltimson@gmail.com
Love the Patriotic tags! Please send me printables. Follow you on pinterest and subscribe to your email. Thanks! kfreiner@yahoo.com
Love this idea and I would love your tags!
desaucier at bellsouth dot net
Love all your ideas – fan on facebook and follow your blog. Please send me the tags to
I would love to receive the tags! Thanks! kristen.strunga@gmail.com
Love your printables – this one too.
Thank you,
I really like the patriot tags, like you on FB, follow you on pinterest and subscribe to your blog
Again, Big Fan:)
I am your newest follower and fan. Adorable stuff!! I would love the patriotic printables please!
This is SO darling! Would LOVE it if you would link this project up at my brand new Trendy Tuesday party going on right now!! http://www.sweetlittlegals.com/2012/05/trendy-tuesday-1.html
It would be so nice if you would send me the tags. I follow you on Pinterest and facebook and blogger. I voted for you, too☺.
I love your printable tags. Please send to djunetomlinson@yahoo.com.
Thank you so much!
I love to decorate for holidays, and the summer trio is one of my favorites!!! I just found you and signed up to follow you….thanks! I’d love to have the tags for the RWB popcorn; just in time for our Memorial Day get together! Thank you again
My email is: mspamsgoodies@earthlink.net
I follow you on Facebook and Pinterest! I love these tags.
Would love these tags! Also sent a request for the end of the year tags “Hope your summer Rocks” and “Have a ball this summer”. Thank you so much. Love your ideas!
I love this idea!! I would love to get the printables so that I can make this, too! Thanks!!
I would love your tags please. I am a follower on Facebook & Pinterest. Thanks so much! cyndi.eades@gmail.com
I would love to make this for the folks at my dad’s retirement home for the 4th of July. Love your design. Please send the printables. Thanks, Ginny
Great great idea for my hubbys bd party!!!!!
I love your site. Would love to have the printable patriotic popcorn tag. Thank you Jacque dobbins. Email address is jacquedobbins651@msn.com
Love this and would love the printables! Already
Like you on FB but still need an invite to Pintrest,
please if you could. Thanks!
Love love love your ideas and look forward to receiving them via my e mail,,,janicebmeisner@yahoo.com I would love the printables for Memorial day goodies and popcorn!!
Love your printables! Please send them to me. julieegardner@yahoo.com Also may I ask where you order/get yout supplies from (confetti, nonpirels etc)? Thank you
Such a cute idea! I would love the printable tag please! casondc7 @ gmail .com
I’m a new follower. Love this idea. Please send me the free tags. kasmlc@hotmail.com
could you please send these tags? queenofpace at yahoo dot com Thanks
what cute ideas! I would love the printable and can’t wait to check out the rest of your blog.
lee.lewis17@verizon.net Thank you so much!
I follow on FB and Pinterest. Please send the patriotic labels to cavmom9@aol.com. Where can I find the instructions for the patriotic popcorn. LOVE THIS!
Thank you so much for sharing:)I am a follower please send. Blessings!
Love your stuff. Precious. Please send tags. I’m a follower.
I would love to get a copy of the patriotic labels.
I would really appreciate a copy of the patriotic labels! Thank you!
looks yummy and so colorful. I would love the tags..thank you
So very cute! Love Patriotic stuff… would love to receive the tags… momof9blessings@juno.com
This is so cute. I would love if you shared it on my linky party!
Thanks Marcie @ http://www.IGottaTryThat.com
Very cute! Follow you on FB, Pinterest and your blog. Would you mind sending me the tags? I would appreciate it. Take care!
Super cute tags! I love love all your designs and ideas! Big follower and fan of yours. I would love if you could send me a printable of your 4th of July tags. Email is dowriee@hotmail.com. Thanks so much, Lizzie
Hi Jenny, I follow you where ever I can find you! Pin you much to my friends enjoyment. I would love to add the tags for the 4th to my Jenny collection. Now all I have to do is figure out a way to remove myself from the computer to try everything I’ve saved!
Wow!! Love it!! Can’t wait to make it as party favors
and I would love to receive the free printable tag : they are perfect!! Thanks!
I thought I commented already but I love the tags & recipe. I am an email & FB follower
Would love the free printable tag, planning a big family July 4th celebration, will look really cute! lstrader@almanet.net
I am a email follower and follow you on Pinterest. Please send me the printable tags. sdhague@venturecomm.net
Please send me the free printables
I follow you – facebook and pinterest and your blog
I followed your blog. However, I do not have a facebook account to follow you and I dont keep a blog. I know I know!
I just like looking at everyone else’s awesome ideas. I would still love to get your downloads. They are too cute!
Thank you!
I kind of forgot to leave my email address! Triplejgirl10@yahoo.com
Thanks again!
Would Love to have the printables!!!! Following you on email and Facebook!!
Ronda S
I’d love to have the printables if you are still sharing. Thanks.
Thanks so much for all your creativity and sharing!
I, too, would also LOVE the tags please,I just subscribed to your blog and I am going to follow you on Pinterest(which is now my new obsession) Thanks again.
I would also love all your tags and labels. We are a retired military family and I think these would make great gifts. Thank you again for your kindness of sharing with others. I follow this blog, your facebook and am also now hooked on pinterest. God Bless. mrs. Valerie. skubby1@aol.com
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This comment has been removed by the author.
Please send the “Patriotic Popcorn” label to: Wendy@arrowa.com Thank you!!
Please send the Patriotic Popcorn label to me if you are still sharing!
Please send the “Patriotic Popcorn” label to: djack7155@live.com
Love the tags for the popcorn treats. I follow your blog on facebook and on pinterst. email bevebersole@comcast.net
Love the tags!! Super cute and must for the 4th of July down here in the USA! Liked you on FB and follow you on pinterest! Love your blog too!!!
Please send the free Patriotic Popcorn tags. I have bought the ingredients to make the popcorn and I am anxious to give out my gift packages. Thank you. My e-mail is Knittynola@gmail.com
Love your 4th july tags and everything you do. Just found you and so excited. Liked you on FB and been checking out your blog. Please send tags if possible and thank you so much for sharing.
This is the BEST idea! I have little popcorn boxes (from Oriental Trading Co) and will put this in them for party favors on the 4th. Thanks in advance for the tags.
Love your cute tags and ideas! I would love the free 4th of July tags! Thanks to people like you who are so creative, makes life so much fun!
Cute blog. I am now a follwer. Would love the tags. my email is mela@simplybeautifulvinyl.com Thank you. :0)
How perfectly lovely! Great gift idea! I shared it on our Facebook Cool2Craft fan page.
Love it! Shiann01@aol.com
I love the idea of putting the popcorn in the clear paint can container. I would love to get the tags. Thanks for your great idea!
Please send me your fourth of july tags. Love them all.
New to your blog, love it! Popcorn tags are great, thanks.
I would love to have the Popcorn tags. That is so cute. What a delighful thing to bring to a 4th of July Celebration
Adorable!! I’d love the tags. hart-m@sbcglobal.net
Please send me your fourth of july tags. Love them all. LOVE YOUR BLOG!!!!!
Can’t wait to make this! I would love the tag printables!
This looks delicious. I’d love the tag that goes with it.
Please send me your patriotic popcorn labels, they are adorable. Thanks tarabella484@hotmail.com
I love Your ideas for the fourth. I would like to get the tags. I am a follower and started getting your e-mails. Thanks for your great idea!
I would love to receive these tags to go with the popcorn you posted! Yum!
I am a new follower of your blog and on pinterest! Thank you!
Hi, I am a follower of Bloom and Pinterest. I also “liked” you on Facebook.
I would LOVE your Patriotic Popcorn Labels!!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
I would love to have your tags for our 4th of July family reunion. Love your ideas.
Please send me your patriotic popcorn labels! They will be perfect for the 4th of July. I absolutely LOVE your blog and am so glad I found it!!!
I would to use these tags for our party this Saturday.
bckelsch9 at yahoo dot com
i would love to have your tags, i just started following you here and on pintrest. thanks ann
I’m following you! Could you please send the Patriotic Popcorn tag? Thanks a bunch!
Going to a family reunion this week and would love to bring some of these along. Please send tags to jmmaen@yahoo.com…thanks!
I would love to use your free tags this weekend, I would appreciate you sending them to me. Thank you so much! juliecsand@yahoo.com
I love this! longleggedmomi26@aol.com
I love it thank you so much curlyrose49@bak.rr.com
I would love the tags. Thank you so much!
Your tags will make me look/feel so creative!!! lacey_lacey10@yahoo.com
Keep them coming!!!
I love your ideas
I would love the popcorn tags. I am a FB and blogg follower. Thanks
I would love the Patriotic Popcorn tags! I am a follower of Bloom! Thank you! lmongrue@bellsouth.net
I hope it’s not to late…I would love to have these tags. I follow bloom and would love to pin this idea.
I would love the tags. I am a follower of bloom and I follow you on pinterest.
I would love the tags!! neherfamily6@ymail.com
I would love patriotic tags! Lindseylavios@gmail.com Subscribed to your blog. =)
I love this idea! My daughter’s birthday is on July 4th and this would be so fun to make for her birthday party. I’d love the tags.
Would love the patriotic popcorn tags.. so cute! hirz@live.com
where do you get your bags of sprinkles?
I loved your bunny bait so I just made this and would love to have the tag file. Thanks so much
I love all of your cute tags and creations! I would love to have the patriotic popcorn goodie bag tag!
Hi there, I would love to have the Patriotic popcorn tag! So cute!
Hi would love the tag for next year!
I love these tags and can hardly wait to look at the rest of your site! debbie.tanner@att.net
What a cute idea! I would love to have the tags. Thank you so much.
I love these! You are so talented. I follow your blog, Facebook, and pinterest. Thanks!
Can’t wait to use all your patriotic decorations and ideas! My husband is having an Olympic Themed birthday party so these will be a big help to me.
would love this tag as well!
this popcorn look delicious!
would love the tags..thank you.
where did you get the sprinkles and the red M&M’s?
would love to have these tags Beccaj@aol.com Thank you
oops*** Wrong email it is beccaj1117@aol.com