Reindeer Noses, Snowballs and a Little Coal

Have you thought about making some sweet little presents for co-workers, your kids’ classmates or neighbors?  These will surely make them smile. Since they are quick and
easy to assemble, they will make you smile too. Fill clear plastic tubes found here with gum balls can be found here, add the cute tag and your done.

and in case you need it….

Quick and easy!  E.

Be creative!!!! You can use cellophane bags and other candy to make the same treat.
The tags for these projects are yours for free by clicking hereYou can also follow me on Pinterest and “Like” my FB page.

Have a happy holiday weekend!


  1. says

    I LOVE EVERYTHING you do!! I’m a huge fan and tell everyone I know to follow you…hope that’s okay :) I do follow on pinterest and facebook…how do I follow with email? I am planning on making the reindeer noses for my 3rd grade class and would appreciate your labels (it would save a TON of time)….my email address is:
    Thank you so much for your creativity…it’s INSPIRING!!

  2. Anonymous says

    What an adorable gift idea! Would love to use these tags. I’m following you via email and on Pinterest. Thank you! jkjackson AT tds DOT net

  3. says

    Hi. I’m your newest follower, found you via linking here and there…looking forward to catching up on your posts.

  4. Kelly says

    these are the CUTEST things EVER! OMGoodness! Love, love, LOVE them! Is there a way to sign up to a newsletter you do or anything like that? I would love to see more of your ideas! Maybe get a daily/weekly email from you for inspiration?!?!? Thanks….

  5. says

    I’ve started following you on Pinterest. Thanks for sharing your tags. I would love the reindeer and snowball ones. . .susoutter at bellsouth dot net
    Question: where do you find brown gumballs?? And what flavor are brown gumballs?? :)

  6. says

    Hello Jenny, I’ve just discovered you through Pinterest and feel like I’ve found a Treasure Chest of fun. Love all of your ideas and the ideas of others – thank you for sharing. I’d love to have the tags you’re featuring, please. I’ve subscribed to your blog and am on my way to follow you on Pinterest, as well.

    What a treat – thank you! Darlene

  7. says

    What a great gift idea, these are SO cute! You are a featured favorite this week on Saturday Show & Tell on Cheerios and Lattes! Thanks again for sharing; we love having you join us each week! See you soon!
    Mackenzie :)

  8. says

    Love this idea! I’ve actually chosen it as a winning feature on ‘Or so she says…’. Stop by the blog tomorrow to check it out and share again. Your post will also be featured on Facebook and Pinterest, as well.

    Thanks for linking up, as always. Have a great night!

    Mariel @ Or so she says…

  9. says

    I follow you on fb, pinterest (hifam) and gfc (psychdog). I love this idea! The tags would be wonderful. My email address is hickenfam at hotmail dot com

  10. Anonymous says

    I love this idea. I would like to use it for my students as their Christmas present. I would love the printables.

    Thank you for sharing!

  11. Linda White says

    Could you please send me the printables for the reindeer noses, snowballs, and coal? They are absolutely adorable!! Thank you so much!!! I already follow you by email and love your ideas!!

  12. Julie Fisher says

    Previous comment was supposed to say “precious” site. Not sure what happened there…I should have proofread before hitting submit button!

  13. Carol Gedeon says

    I love your site, would like to make reindeer noses, but how do I find the tags?, I would appreciate any help as time is drawing near. Thanks. Carol

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