I thought we would move on from turkeys and shift our focus to reindeer. Why not build the theme of your Christmas party around Rudolph and all his friends? There is so much
reindeer inspiration on Pinterest. Check out my Pinterest Reindeer Board here
and if you need invitations for your event, they are available in my shop.
Coordinating printables coming soon but if you need them quicker, just send me an email. The Merry Christmas sign at the top of the page is available for free if you
1. Follow me by email, Feedburner or GFC
2. Follow me on Pinterest and “Like” my FB page
3. Leave a comment with your email address.
Off to play with my little reindeer who are out of school for the week.
Hi Jenny….I would love a copy of this printable. Thanks so much. Tanja
I am a big fan of Rudolf (and yours too !!) like you on F.B, follow u on Pinterest & email newsletter.would be soooo grateful if you would send me reindeer games printables!! joann.graybeal@gmail.com
Hi Jenny… I already like you on FB and now follow your blog via email. I would love the Merry Christmas sign at the top of the page. Thanks! pird@earthlink.net
Love these…please send to juliedkiefer@hotmailcom
Another fabulous design. Thanks for sharing! cathpooh23@aol.com