Emoji Birthday Party By Bloom Designs

Emoji Birthday Party By Bloom Designs

emoji birthday party

Ready to get a little “emoji”nal? My sweet daughter Charlotte couldn’t wait to celebrate her 11th birthday with all her friends and favorite emojis.  Charlotte planned and talked about this party for over a year so I knew it had to be everything she had envisioned.  Rather than just using emoji faces, I wanted to incorporate other emojis that were a bit more personal to Charlotte (notice the panda and bow from her two prior parties?) Once I designed the background paper/envelope liner, the party pretty much styled itself.

emoji birthday party emoji212 emoji birthday party emoji birthday party emoji birthday party emoji birthday party emoji birthday party

As always, the dessert table was the focal point of the party.  All of the desserts served looked liked one of our emojis including an emoji cake, dog and panda cake pops by my favorite Cake Poppin, Unicorn sugar cookies, lollipops, chocolate sprinkled donuts and chocolate covered Oreos.  The girls’ favorite dessert by far were the poops made from brownie bites, chocolate buttercream, candied eyes and mouths we made from fondant. The backdrop of the table was simple- our emoji paper and balloon garland.  Our emoji garland decorated the front of the table.

emoji birthday party

emoji birthday party
emoji birthday party emoji birthday party emoji birthday party emoji birthday party emoji birthday party emoji birthday party emoji birthday party emoji birthday party emoji birthday party emoji birthday party emoji birthday party emoji birthday party emoji birthday party emoji birthday party emoji birthday party emoji birthday party

The eating table was set with personalized placemats, our emoji balloons and emoji backpacks which each of the girls took home. On the drink and snack table, I decorated the drink dispenser, raspberry cups and biscuit jars with emoji faces cut from vinyl. Custom emoji balloons, and emoji piñata and emoji boxes that we made complete the look for our party. emoji birthday party emoji birthday party emoji birthday party emoji birthday party emoji birthday party emoji birthday party emoji birthday party emoji birthday party emoji birthday party emoji birthday party emoji birthday party emoji birthday party emoji birthday party emoji birthday party emoji birthday party emoji birthday party

During the party, the girls made emoji slime and emoji stress balls, took selfies in our photo booth and played with paper fortune tellers. As they left the girls each got a emoji party favor box. emoji birthday party emoji birthday party emoji birthday party emoji birthday party
emoji birthday party emoji birthday party emoji birthday party emoji birthday party emoji birthday party emoji birthday party emoji birthday party emoji birthday party

The girls had a blast and believe it or not Charlotte has already picked the theme for her party next year.  Off to work!

Party Concept and Styling- Bloom Designs

Invitations, complete party kit, emoji posters and all paper printables- Bloom Designs

tissue pom poms, strawsutensil bags– Bloom Designs

Emoji t-shirt

Emoji paper cups

emoji favor boxes

emoji balloons

Puppy and panda cake pops by Cake Poppin

Cakes- Sweet and Saucy Shop

Sugar Cookies- The Cookie Craftsman




  1. Tina says

    AWESOME party Jenny! You always are able to balance fun, festive, age appropriate parties while still keeping them stylish and chic! A true talent you are as this theme can easily get kooky but you kept it fabulous! Of course they loved the POOP brownie bites the best! :) XOXO

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