Spider Eggs

spider eggs

Hi Everyone!  Looking for a great party favor or mini gift for Halloween?  How about these Spider Eggs?  I used white Sixlets by SweetWorks for my spider eggs and packaged them in the pretty boxes.  You can take even the smallest most basic gift and make is extraordinary by packing them in a nice way and adding a unique tag. Ours is available for free download below. The boxes are available here.

spider eggs

Can you think of anything else that you could use for spider eggs?  Basically you can use anything white and round- donut holes, white cheddar popcorn.  That’s the great thing about Halloween- you can use you imagination.

spider eggs

spider eggs

To download your free spider egg tag, click here.

Print on bright white card stock or on full label sheet depending on your wrapping using a black and white or colored printer. Cut out and attach to your treat. TIP- black and white copies at a print shop only costs a few cents.  If you have one close by and depending on how many you need, it may be worth having them print this for you and saving your toner.

What are you going to wrap up? Instagram a photo with the #bloom and share it with us:)





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