I will happily share the
Lunch label
mini apple of my eye card
apple tag
juice box label
smartie pants bag topper
ice cream coupon and
applewich label (simply use a apple shaped cookie cutter to cut out your child’s favorite sandwich)
All of these are yours FREE of charge if you
1. Follow Bloom Designs Online- Right Side Bar
2. Leave a comment below with your email.
I would also appreciate you following me on Pinterest and on Facebook!
Off to a super fun week with the kids!
These are a great addition to the printables from last week…thanks for the creativity!
Oh I LOVE these! I am so excited to use. Thank you so much Jenny!!
These will be perfect for back to our back to school party. Thanks, karen
Well aren’t these adorable….too~~~ I just love all of your printables. Thank you for sharing.
These are so cute! I’d love to have them, thanks for sharing!
These are great! Could you please send to ljustice944@gmail.com
Thanks for sharing!
Could you please send these to me?!? Adorable
I just LOVE your designs! So cute, and absolutely love that you share them for free. Thank you for being so generous!
You are so talented!! I would love these! I follow you!
Super cute! Follow you on every source.
Love all of your designs and ideas! So glad you are so sweet and offer them free.
Oops, forgot my email address: my2monkeyz@comcast.net
I LOVE these… especially the afterschool ice cream coupon! I’m a follower by e-mail.
Would love these printables!
Thank you!
I would love these for my twins’ first day of school!!
I would love these printables for my husband’s 1st day of school next Tuesday! I follow you on bloom, fb, & pinterest.
I love all of your adorable free printables. Thanks so much for sharing.
Such an adorable set of printables – perfect!
These are just as cute as the ones you generously gave us last week. Thanks so much.
This comment has been removed by the author.
Thank you so much! You are so creative! I love the ones from last week and these are a great addition.
Love the printables!! i can’t wait to use them!!
Super cute! Thanks!
I follow you already & love your sites! Thanks!
I can’t wait to use this for my daughter .
Absolutely adorable! I was just thinking about lunch for the first day. I would love a copy (I follow you – saw this in my e-mail)
sprinkleofthis(at) gmail (dot) com
Would love to have these for my grandkids. I’m a faithful follower of your blog. Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful ideas -
These are great! I would love these. I am a follower. Thank you!
These r adorable! Cant wait to make my 7 year old daughter’s first day of school lunch!
SO cute! Would love to have them! I follow here and on FB.
I’ve already printed some of the ones from last week that go along with these. More fun getting ready for school. Thanks for sharing with us.
I am a follower by email, facebook, and Pinterest :} These are adorable, thanks so much for sharing!!!
Would love these! Thanks!!
I love these. So cute. Please send me a copy.
thanks for sharing your time and talents! these will make such a nice surprise for my daughter. khdoornbos@comcast.net
Darling idea! Thanks for sharing.
how do you do it jenny… ‘a’ for apple ‘A’ for adorable! thank u for continuing to share
~julie in boise
love the work you do!!!!!!!!the back to school printables are so cute!!!!!!!
I’m an avid follower and love your work. Thank you so much for sharing. kelliecrawfordsmith at gmail dot com
I follow your blog and follow you on Pinterest and Facebook too! Would love the printables.
I am a big fun!! i love it, please send me gururachel@gmail.com
How cute are these!!! Thanks for sharing!
Just adorable! Thanks for sharing!
nicole_melnick at yahoo dot com
So awesome – I can’t wait to make these! katiejcorlin@gmail.com
Thank you!
Ooooohhhhh…I love these! So cute! Thanks for sharing! I can’t wait to get printing!
Love your printables! I know these would put a smile on my daughter’s face. Tarrah82@yahoo.com
What cute printables, Ijust love them all. Thank you so much my Grandchildren will love them. I already follow your blog and you on FB and on pintrest. You have great idea’s. Sandy curlyrose49@bak.rr.com
I followed you by email. Love these printables! Thank you for sharing!
dreid1006 (at) yahoo (dot) com.
These are very cute!! Thank you!!
I am a follower and would love to get a copy of the printables. Thank you! Brendasedlacek@cox.net
Feel soooo blessed to be a follower and be able to share your talent! Please send again! Stephanie thedayfive@gmail.com
I love all of your CUTE creations! Thanks so much for your generosity! =)
Oh my goodness! I’m so excited to use these! My oldest starts kindergarten next week and I was in need of ideas! Thanks so much!
Love these! I actually am planning on using them for my college sophmore! She will be thrilled! I will change the items that I attach the printables slightly and I know they will bring a smile to her face. I love what you do and the fact that you are so willing to share with us all! dawnsimon@cox.net
LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!! Just decided that this would be the theme in my Sunday school room along with the theme for my girls back to school lunches…They are great!!!
Thank you!
These are adorable and I was looking for something like this! Thank you!
Thanks so much for sharing your creativity with us! Love these printables and my little guy can’t wait until kindergarten starts in a couple weeks..
Love your designs! I follow you on FB and Pinterest. Please send the First Day of School Lunch Apple design to me at barbara.birk@hotmail.com Thanks so much for sharing!!
So adorable. I follow you on FB & Pinterest :o)
I joined everything! lol I look forward to reading more. Thank you! quilter4@hotmail.com
What a great idea for back to school. I would love to be able to make some of the Good Luck Smarty Pants for my sons End of Summer Back to School party at his karate school. Would you be able to share the topper with me? Thank you so much.
Have a wonderful day!
Love your creativity! Thank you chocolateraspberrytorte@yahoo.com
Your ideas and printables never fail to make my day! Thanks for sharing. I am a follower.
These are so cute! Thanks for sharing!
These are adorable. Will you please send them to me. falli@sbcglobal.net Thank you!
These are SO cute! I would love to have you link this up to my current linky party for back to school fun stuff and homeschool rooms!
oikology101 (at) gmail (dot) com
love these….they are adorable!
thanks so much for sharing.
Love these! Could you please send me the printable at tromu@retsd.mb.ca ? Thank you!
Adorable Work!!!!!!
AWESOME!!! elaine@arcopportunities.org
LOVE IT!! thanks.
staceysandberg @hotmail.com
I love these. Thanks.
Love these Jenny!! Bloom Designs make my day. Deeroz@comcast.net
Hi! These are soooo cute!
They will certainly be a hit with my 1st grader. sue.candland@gmail.com
Love…love…love… Your designs!!! Thanks so much!
These are adorable. Thank you for sharing
Thanks for the printables!
very cute -thanks
mer.mer29 @ yahoo.com
these are just adorable!!I love them!! ~Mar
I follow your blog and I follow you on pinterest. mom2mnl@gmail.com
Oh my GOSH!! These are so so so great! You are so awesome to share them with us. I follow you all over!!
WHOOPS! Forgot to leave my email!
thank you for sharing
Featuring YOU today!
Ginger @ gingersnapcrafts.com
Love all you do!! Congrats!!
Would love these free printables
These are adorable! Thank you for sharing.
These will make my daughter’s day! Thanks!
These are soo cute! They will surely be a nice surprise the first day of school.
Christie Morgan
Love these. Please send to rtjaeger@yahoo.com
I love these…please send to csilla1976@yahoo.com,thanks!
These are so cute! jdaycatterson@gmail.com
Thank you. Sweet printables.
Thank you so much. These will be great for using with my grandson who will be in 2nd grade. Thank you for sharing your great talents.
Thse are super cute – thanks for sharing!
such a cute idea and super sweet design. My daughter is starting pre-school in the fall and she will absolutely love this!
Love this!!
These are so cute! Thanks!
love love love ur designs! pls email me on krishmaraiyani@gmail.com
These are ADORABLE!! The bright red apples the wonderful sayings! I am so excited I found your blog!! I look forward to lots more creative ideas!! I would love to receive these freebies at melissac1966@gmail.com Thank you so much for your generous offer!! Blessings
These are adorable, Thanks
Could you please send these to me?
Thanks a lot, Virag from Hungary
I just signed up to follow you online and Pinterest! Great ideas! Ii would love a copy of these first day of school printables(apple). Thank you! Savekca@gmail.com
This are the cutest labels!Can’t wait to print them out for my granddaughter’s lunch!
Thank you so much for sharing these fabulous printables!! I am a new follower.
thank you so much!
These are great and creative!! Thanks!! samantha_prince@hotmail.com
School starts in two days and I have been looking for things to make it special. These are perfect. Thank you!
I forgot my email in the previous comment! Sorry.
I would love to have these adorable lunch printables!! Too cute!!!!
These are so cute thanks for the free offer
These are fabulous!
I would love a copy please-
These are so adorable. Thank you for sharing
i would love a copy
These back to school ideas are so creative! I would love to have a copy nancyhof2002@yahoo.com
Keep up the great ideas!!!
So adorable! I would love to have a copy. lori.pay1@gmail.com
Super cute!! Thanks for sharing..
These would be perfect for Back to school treats for my daughters!! Thanks so much for sharing!!
I follow your blog!
I love these designs! Perfect for back to school treats and parties! Thanks for sharing!
So cute! Love this for my four kiddos! Please send it to mikehamner@bellsouth.net. Thanks!!
your ideas are so adorable. thanks for sharing.
These are too cute !!! Just in time school starts Monday My kids will love these. majormochamom@yahoo.com
Awesome! What a wonderful way to let your little ones know you love them.
Thank you! I am always looking for things to put in my boys’ lunchboxes to surprise them. Since we haven’t started school yet, these are perfect!
These are just too cute for words! I saw these via Stylelist Home but the link wasn’t working so I decided to get them, I would find your blog and search!
Thank you so much for sharing your talents with us!
Super Cute! Please share!
Love these! Just made apple shaped cookies for my students and would love these tags!
You are so creative! I would love to get this, ncschiller@yahoo.com
Thanks so much!!!
Adorable! We would love some!
Adorable! We would love some!
Adorable! We would love some!
really cute – love the apples, jooley_Dooley@hotmail.com
Love the back to school printouts! jenni4jc@suddenlink.net
great these printouts! Would love to be kid again and found these in my schoolbag
so cute! thanks
Thanks so much!
These are adorable! Thanks for sharing!
These are great! Thanks for sharing! shaepreuett@msn.com
I want some! Ellenicolewest@gmail.com
Love them!!! Well done you
These are adorable! My girls will love! LNRW9598@msn.com
My kiddos will love these. Very cute! davisonaggies@yahoo.com
Love these, great ideas. rucshner@hotmail.com. Thank you.
Love them!
love these designs!!
These are AWESOME!!!!!
Oh how great! Thank You for sharing these adorable designs, you do a great job making them!
Love all your designs & always look forward to your emails! Thanks for sharing!! Please email me your printable!
Really cute! Followed you on FB. shaepreuett@msn.com
Would love these! Following you!
These are adorable! Thank you for sharing!
love your site
These are adorbs!! Thanks so much for sharing!
Hi thanks so much this are great!
you have so much great stuff!
Thank you!
Thanks for sharing!!!! These are adorable!!!
Hello so cute I would love a copy for my girls lunches tomorrow if you could send me the free design @ busymom003@gmail.com
adorable & many thanks!
So adorable: My email address is girlie274@aol.com. I already follow you:))))
Followed you!
email: sudarti@gmail.com
Thank you!
Hola.. soy de Guatemala y estoy descubriendo estas ideas maravillosas, soy mamá y maestra y me encanta innovar gracias por lo que compartes
se me olvidó….mi correo chembio91@gmail.com
These are just what I have been looking for!!! Thanks for sharing your talents!
SUPER CUTE!!!! Looking forward to using these with the kids. Thanks so much..
Love your printables…These are just adorable!!I love them…Thanks SOOOO much for sharing..
Greetings from Greece..
Super cute!
This is exactly what I’m looking for. Thanks so much for sharing your creative talents. Please send me these printables of Back to school. Thank You So Much!
These are adorable! I actually do make apple sandwiches for my daughter too! I would love a copy. My e-mail address is eichiang74@gmail.com. Thanks so much!
These are awesome! Thank you!!
Too cute! Would love to use these for this new school year!
These are so cute! I am actually using them for a Back To School party for a group of Kindergarteners and I know they will love it! Thank you!
Love your site!! What great creativity! Looking forward to a copy of this. jfasig07@comcast.net
Love all your designs, thank you so much, I can’t wait to do this for their first day of school
The smartie pants printable is super cute! A neat little gift to pass out.
Love the smartie pants printable! Just what I was looking for!!!!
Love these! Very cute.
Love your stuff!
Cutest “Smartie Pants” tag there is online! Please share it with me for my own Smarties here in my home. Thank you!
I simply adore these printables!!!!
So glad I found your site. Lots of wonderful ideas. My daughter is a little nervous about going back to school. I think these special treats will let her know that I’m thinking of her.
These are great! Thank you!!!
I would love to use these for my daughter’s lunch.
Thanks! These are so cute!
Oh my goodness these are just the cutest ever. Cannot wait to put together for my daughter!!
These are so cute! Thanks for sharing them!
I love your printables and ideas. Thanks for sharing!
Huge Fan! Not sure where I can download these?
I would love to get those printables
Thanks Jenny for sharing these !
¡Muchas Gracias por compartir! Thnak you for sharing!
so cute thank you for sharing these
I’m late to the party but what a great idea. Thanks for sharing!
Love this! So cute
I love the back to school labels
Adorable!!! My kids would be super excited to find a juice box in their lunch :).
These are so cute! cant wait to use them on the first day! Thanks so much!
Such great work, thanks so much for sharing your hard work! My kids will love these
very cute printables.
So creative I would love a copy!
They are all available on my Facebook page
These are just too adorable!!! My kids will love them. Thank you so much for your hard work and for your willingness to share.
You’re welcome Renee. Have a great day!
Love this for my third graders
Thanks for the great ideas!
These look awesome!
Love these! Thanks!
i would love the back to school lunch printable. So cute!
What great printables! I would love to have them for my kids first day! Thanks!
Love these!!
Love your school printables! Can’t wait to check out the rest of your stuff!
Looks great! I would really enjoy them! Thanks!
love the school printables
Thanks Kristy
Please send me the above adorable printables re: back to school – I love these and everything on your site!
Hi Everyone! This printable is available on my Facebook page
Subbed! I would LOVE this for my kiddos’ lunches this Wednesday!
These are the cutest!
Exactly what I needed to make my little one’s first day of school special!
This is a great idea!
I love the after school ice cream coupon. Very cute.
My kids like that one the best!
Can’t wait to use these for my daughter’s first day!
Hope it’s a great one!
Love these printables!!! Thanks for sharing.
All printable are available on my Facebook page under free downloads
I just figured out how to subscribe. LOL Very cute pintables.
thanks! love it all
Great idea! Can’t wait to use them!